Introducing the Rainbow Reiki Series 🌈

Dear puppies, pumpkins, faeries & beautiful humans, 

How is your week going so far?

I hope you've had a chance to breathe into some relief lately. So many unknowns still; but a little extra sparkly silver lining of hope is shimmering around the clouds lately. 

To help keep our hearts open to these welcome shifts & changes ~ my latest group offering brings in the gentle, yet powerful care of distance energy healing - with a focus on a different chakra each month.

Rainbow Reiki kicks off tomorrow with a focus on the Root chakra. Each of the 7 Chakras, in the Hindu-based system traditionally has a color associated with it - hence the Rainbow vibes. The Chakras are used to give us a framework for the main energy centers of the body. And Reiki helps to bring them into balance - open, flowing & aligned.

The Root is commonly associated with the color red (think reddish nutrient rich soil)~ and is physically located at the base of our spines.  A sense of security & safety can be found at the Root.  And the core state of this is often related to how secure & safe you felt as a child. If you are new to this work & the childhood era feels too deep, or disconnected ~ just know healing is not a linear journey, and Reiki is not bound by time or space.

I hope you will join us tomorrow, or sometime in the next 7 month Rainbow journey. The 60 minute experience will have us setting intentions for ourselves & the work, meditating together & laying down to receive healing energy to a supportive, bespoke playlist. All you need to do is show up & receive. 

Please always let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or seasonal recipes to share. 

I love you! 

Take care, 


lauren mooney