Step into the Portal 🛸
Dear friends, aliens, lovers, soft animals & plants,
“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.”
A portal is not an escape, especially in terms of this pandemic. It’s a fire, transforming you as you walk through it; imagining and creating a new way of living.
I can see the NYC skyline in a tiny sliver from a window in my bedroom in New Jersey, which has been feeling like a portal into a past life.
Moving here about a month ago from Bushwick, I’m slowly acclimating & integrating. Sounds differ greatly from the vibrant city: a faint train, crickets, a seldom passing car.
Admittedly most of my previous peeks into NJ life come from the Sopranos & the Real Housewives…
Recently in Luke Simon's Breathwork group I saw my healing world from the outside in (similar to my new window perspective of NYC). How wild & fantastical this is that we gather virtually: a nurse, a school psychologist, mystics, & a dog named Happiness. Luke beaming in, guiding us, from a cabin outside Woodstock
And I was reminded ~
Your body is a portal.
Deep in you is a knowing that much of the three dimensional world distracts us from.
When we breathe in this special pattern, in & out of our mouths, laying down in our cozy beds or yoga mats, sometime around the ten minute mark we tap into a freedom. We begin to swim in the knowing that the ocean that holds us, is also in us. The salty waves heal us, bring us back to a time when we, and those who came before us, didn’t question our worth.
You are whole, loved, a part of something that will never abandon you (some call it God, Spirit, the Universe, Higher Self, or ________)
Tap in and let Spirit guide you
Let your breath breathe you
Feel every cell awaken
Tap into your roots like a network of sky high redwood trees
Branches reaching into the clouds
Meditate to connect to the network
And please know that it’s always here for you
I love you!
Take care,